dApp Kit


The SuiClientProvider manages the active SuiClient used by hooks and components in the dApp Kit


The SuiClientProvider should be placed at the root of your app, and should wrap all components that use the dApp Kit hooks.

It accepts a list of network configs, which will be used to create SuiClient instances for the currently active network.

import { SuiClientProvider, WalletProvider } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
import { type SuiClientOptions } from '@mysten/sui.js';
// Config options for the networks you want to connect to
const networks = {
	localnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('localnet') },
	mainnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('mainnet') },
} satisfies Record<string, SuiClientOptions>;
function App() {
	return (
		<SuiClientProvider networks={networks} defaultNetwork="localnet">
			<YourApp />


  • networks: A map of networks that can be used. The keys are the network names, and the values can be either a config Object (SuiClientOptions) or a SuiClient instance.
  • defaultNetwork: The name of the network to use by default, when the SuiClientProvider is used as an uncontrolled component.
  • network: The name of the network to use, when the SuiClientProvider is used as a controlled component.
  • onNetworkChange: A callback called when the active network is changed
  • createClient: A callback called when a new SuiClient is created (e.g. when the active network changes). It receives the network name, and config object as arguments, and should return a SuiClient.

Using the SuiClientProvider as a controlled component

import { SuiClientProvider, WalletProvider } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
import { type SuiClientOptions } from '@mysten/sui.js';
import { useState } from 'react';
// Config options for the networks you want to connect to
const networks = {
	localnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('localnet') },
	mainnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('mainnet') },
} satisfies Record<string, SuiClientOptions>;
function App() {
	const [activeNetwork, setActiveNetwork] = useState('localnet' as keyof typeof networks);
	return (
			onNetworkChange={(network) => {
			<YourApp />

Customizing how the SuiClient is created

import { SuiClientProvider, WalletProvider } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
import { SuiClient, SuiHTTPTransport, type SuiClientOptions } from '@mysten/sui.js';
// Config options for the networks you want to connect to
const networks = {
	localnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('localnet') },
	mainnet: { url: getFullnodeUrl('mainnet') },
} satisfies Record<string, SuiClientOptions>;
function App() {
	return (
			createClient={(network, config) => {
				return new SuiClient({
					transport: new SuiHTTPTransport({
						url: 'https://api.safecoin.org',
						rpc: {
							headers: {
								Authorization: 'xyz',
			<YourApp />

Using the SuiClient from the provider

import { useSuiClient } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
function MyComponent() {
	const client = useSuiClient();
	// use the client

Creating a network selector

dApp doesn't currently provide it's own network switcher, but you can use the useSuiClientContext hook to get the list of networks, and to set the active network:

function NetworkSelector() {
	const ctx = useSuiClientContext();
	return (
			{Object.keys(ctx.networks).map((network) => (
				<button key={network} onClick={() => ctx.selectNetwork(network)}>
					{`select ${network}`}